Transition Plan
Who is going to lead while we look for a pastor?
Team Leader: Minister Charles
Team Members: Pastor Nathan, Pastor Josh, Brian (Deacon), Jerry (Deacon), Michael (Deacon)
Who is going to preach?
According to the Article V of the Constitution: In the event of a vacancy in the pastoral office, the deacons shall organized a pastor search team of deacons and church members to consider those candidates who meet Biblical qualifications listed in scripture and who are in complete agreement with the church’s Declaration of Faith and Constitution. The pastor search team shall interview possible candidates, then unanimously recommend their choice to the deacons. The candidate then must come and speak in all services and fellowship with as many members as possible. The church will then vote in a special business meeting to extend a call by a minimum of 75% of the qualified voters present.
What is the Pastor Search Team timeline?
Team Leader: Minister Charles
Team Members: Pastor Nathan, Pastor Josh, Brian (Deacon), Jerry (Deacon), Michael (Deacon)
Who is going to preach?
- Minster Charles and Pastor Josh will do the bulk of the preaching
- There are also a couple internal options as well as Preston Thompson (DOM)
According to the Article V of the Constitution: In the event of a vacancy in the pastoral office, the deacons shall organized a pastor search team of deacons and church members to consider those candidates who meet Biblical qualifications listed in scripture and who are in complete agreement with the church’s Declaration of Faith and Constitution. The pastor search team shall interview possible candidates, then unanimously recommend their choice to the deacons. The candidate then must come and speak in all services and fellowship with as many members as possible. The church will then vote in a special business meeting to extend a call by a minimum of 75% of the qualified voters present.
What is the Pastor Search Team timeline?
- March 8 - Begin accepting applications
- April - Review applications/resumes and narrow the candidate pool
- May - Conduct informal interviews
- June - Conduct formal interviews
- Brian Silvey - Deacon Team Leader, Michael Casady - Deacon, Jerry Cummings - Deacon, Cindy Bivens - Welcome Team Leader, Josh Booth, Dave Buchner, Sarah Cummings - Church Treasurer, June Gibson, Alicia Novak - Church Clerk, Julie Schisler - Women's Ministry Leader, Dan Steuerwald, Charles Gholson - Executive Minister (exifico member without vote), see bios below
- Sunday morning updates, Email, Church Website
Pastor Search Process
Phase 1: Preparing & Information Gathering
Phase 2: Reviewing
Phase 3: Interviewing
Phase 4: Selecting
Phase 5: Welcoming
Phase 2: Reviewing
Phase 3: Interviewing
Phase 4: Selecting
Phase 5: Welcoming
- Form Pastor Search Team
- Review church constitution
- Deacons are responsible for forming the team
- Team is comprised of Deacons and church members
- Deacons determine how many people to serve on the team
- Deacons contact prospective team members to determine interest
- Deacons agree on final list of team members
- Inform congregation of Pastor Search Team Members
- Review church constitution
- Ground Rules, Protocol, & First Team Meeting
- Review purpose, values, and ground rules
- Have team members sign the Search Team Covenant
- Determine decision making protocol
- When recommending moving forward with presenting a Pastoral candidate to the church, the entire team must be present for the vote and unanimously recommend their choice to the deacons.
- For all other decisions, an approval of 75% of present members, for a passing vote.
- Process to manage search team materials established
- Search Team Positions Established (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary)
- Future meeting dates determined
- Determine official Search Team process
- Utilize the Illinois Baptist Pastor Search Book as primary resource
- Phase 1 - Preparing & Information Gathering
- Build a Church Profile, including a Community Profile
- Build a Pastor Profile
- Create and conduct Church Member Survey
- Host a Congregation Town Hall Meeting
- Answer questions, address concerns, discern future direction
- Update Pastor Job Description
- Update Pastor Church Covenant
- Update Staff Compensation Policy
- Create an online Job Application Form
- Phase 2 - Reviewing
- Review and discuss resumes and applications
- Narrow the candidate pool down
- Phase 3 - Interviewing
- Schedule informal interviews
- Check references
- Send Potential Pastor Questionnaire
- Schedule formal interviews